Despre Iryna Arapova:
Hello, my name is Irina Arapova, I am a native of the city of Lugansk (Ukraine). I started my career in Donbass (eastern Ukraine), and after 2014 I continued my career in Kyiv, in particular, I worked as the head of the legal service and was the personal assistant and press secretary of the heads of ministries.
As a potential employee, I will be happy to put the accumulated experience and knowledge to good use, continuing to improve my skills and develop every day. I have 12 years of experience in working for results, both in small and large teams of different qualifications and areas. Possessing a high share of responsibility and morality, I always brought my projects to victory.
My native language is Russian, which I know in the original (official and business). I am also fluent in Ukrainian. I keep learning and improving my English. It is a great honor for me to live and develop in Romania, helping, seeing prosperity and results.
Irina Arapova
from January 1, 2023 to the present:
Romanian government Hotline of Romania for Ukrainian people (Romania, Bucharest)
Employee consultant of the state hotline of the Romanian state, created for Ukrainians.
This hotline for Ukrainians was created with the participation and assistance of the World Health Organization, International Organization for Migration, UNICEF, UNHCR.
Since there was a similar experience in my biography (Lawyer of the Claims Department at the Hotline of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine), I was happy to join this project, which became a conductor between Ukrainians who were forced to leave their country and the state of Romania. My experience has helped me to clearly identify the most pressing problems of Ukrainians, as well as to create a database that is mobile and quickly updated (when the Romanian legislation regarding Ukrainians changes).
Job responsibilities:
- consultations of Ukrainians about their rights and obligations in Romania;
- database update;
- call analytics (number of callers, age, gender, date of arrival in Romania, whether needs have changed);
- preparation of weekly reports.
from August 10, 2022 to December 31, 2022
International Organization for Migration in Romania (Romania, Bucharest)
Position: Category A Consultant Job responsibilities:
- reception of beneficiaries, consulting about the assistance provided;
- registration for the provision of assistance based on the results of the questionnaire (medical services, temporary housing);
- Maintenance and updating of the database;
- Registration of acts of acceptance and transfer of medical services and equipment;
- Filling and execution of financial documentation for accounting;
- Preparation of procurement reports.
August 3, 2020 to August 9, 2022
Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine
National Police of Ukraine
Department of Strategic Investigations (Ukraine, Kyiv)
Legal Department
Position: chief specialist lawyer Job responsibilities:
- Litigation and claims work (compilation of official letters on behalf of the state body, preparation of procedural documents: statements of claim, responses to statements of claim, petitions to the court, complaints, presentation to the court);
-assistance in the development and analysis of draft laws on law enforcement activities in Ukraine;
- Consideration of attorney's petitions, deputy petitions;
- speaking on behalf of a government agency at official briefings and on TV channels;
- preparation of reports on the legal work of the department.
from January 1, 2019 to August 02, 2020
National Commission for State Regulation of Financial Services Markets of Ukraine, state regulator and licensee of insurance companies, pawnshops, financial and credit institutions (Ukraine, Kyiv)
Position: chief lawyer of representation in courts of the legal support department;
Job responsibilities:
- verification of documents for issuing licenses to financial companies, insurance companies, pawnshops;
- imposition of fines on companies that do not comply with state requirements;
- preparation of statements of claim and representation in court on behalf of the state body;
- making report.
from January 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018
Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
General Directorate of Defense Real Estate and Lands (Ukraine, Kyiv)
Position: Chief Legal Officer
- claim work (collection of materials and evidence, as well as sending these materials to the court) for the return of real estate and land to the possession of the Ministry of Defense. Real estate and lands that have been transferred to illegal possession by private individuals;
- Interaction with state registrars, when making changes to state registers (when changing ownership in cases won in court);
- Interaction with the executive service to seize land and property by court order;
- Preparation of progress reports.
from June 01, 2017 to December 31, 2017
Government Contact Center of Ukraine, Hotline Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ( Ukraine, Kyiv)
Position: Chief Lawyer of the Litigation and Claims Department
Job responsibilities:
- Analytics of information provided by operators and daily updating of information (in accordance with changes in legislation) for citizens of Ukraine;
- formation of databases for consulting;
- meetings with representatives of ministries to obtain new information affecting the rights and obligations of citizens; -reception and consideration of complaints from Ukrainian citizens against state authorities (Ministry of Health, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Social Policy, etc.) about non-fulfillment or untimely fulfillment of their direct duties;
- preparation of reports.
from January 01, 2017 to May 31, 2017
Regional Center for Free Secondary Legal Aid in Kyiv Ministry of Justice (Ukraine, Kyiv)
Position: Free Legal Aid Attorney at the Ministry of Justice. Job responsibilities:
- provision of free legal assistance to vulnerable groups of the population;
- consultations of Ukrainians on legal issues;
- representing the interests of citizens in court;
- progress reports to the Ministry of Justice.
June 1, 2016 to December 31, 2016
Private notary of the Boryspil district notarial district of the Kyiv region (Ukraine, Boryspil)
Position: assistant notary Job responsibilities:
- preparation and analysis of documents on the basis of which a notarial act will be performed. Checking the submitted documents for authenticity (checking the numbers of documents in state registers, by whom and when the documents were issued, etc.). Legal analysis (to what extent these documents fully meet the requirements for a particular notarial act);
- advising clients at a notary (inheritance law, the right to issue or receive a power of attorney, etc.);
-creation of a notarial archive;
-analysis and constant monitoring of legislation;
- work in state registers, the register of powers of attorney, the inheritance register, the register of property rights (if changes are made);
- Participation in seminars and passing exams for advanced training and approval of the status of a notary office employee;
- participation in inspections of the notary's office, conducted by the Ministry of Justice.
from May 03, 2015 to May 31, 2016
Borispil branch of the unified pension fund in the Kyiv region (Ukraine, Boryspil)
Position: Head of Legal Department Job responsibilities:
- personal reception of citizens (every Tuesday and Thursday) who have reached retirement age or who have received the right to receive a pension for health reasons (disability or loss of a breadwinner) or citizens who had special working conditions (military and police, rescuers). The consultation was that in order to exercise the right to a pension, it is necessary to prepare a certain package of documents confirming their position and employment (the package of documents may change if the pension legislation changes). Quite often, coalitions arose in pension law (for example, a person collected documents for a pension, submitted it, and already during the execution of documents, the specialist finds out that the legislation has changed and more experience is needed for retirement), which, accordingly, led to citizens' appeals to the court to the Pension Fund of Ukraine and the Ministry of Social Policy;
- judicial and pre-trial settlement of disputes between the Pension Fund and citizens (disputes about non-accrual or incorrect calculation of pensions, as well as compensation for moral damage);
- analysis and constant monitoring of legislation.
- preparation of weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports to the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine;
- legal assistance in preparing and conducting tenders on behalf of the Pension Fund (tender for the purchase of furniture, office paper, installation of air conditioners, maintenance of electronic equipment, etc.);
- participation in competitive commissions for the selection of candidates for filling vacant positions in a state body.
from April 1, 2014 to May 2, 2015
LLC law firm "Imperative-Plus" ( Ukraine, Vishgorog) Position: lawyer
A law firm that has received a grant from the Swiss Risk Mitigation Fund (Swiss) to fight illegal environmental issues in Ukraine.
Within the framework of cooperation with the Risk Reduction Foundation, the Imperative Plus law firm implemented
projects to protect the environmental rights of Ukrainian citizens (illegal environmental pollution, unauthorized garbage dumps, gas emissions from enterprises, illegal operation of a bioelectric power plant in the Kiev region using biofuel from the Chernobyl zone). Since 2015, about a thousand court hearings have been held on environmentally problematic facilities, for all regions of Ukraine, of various forms of ownership: private (oil depot of the Belarusian Republican Youth Union in the Vasilkovsky district), municipal (garbage landfill in the Kiev-Svyatoshinsky district), state (PJSC "Trypilska CHPP") . Centrenergo in the Obukhovsky district). Lawsuits reached the Supreme Court of Ukraine, which ordered enterprises polluting the environment to pay moral and material damages to the inhabitants of Ukraine. The company's team included such specialists as ecologists, psychologists, radiologists, and lawyers.
Imperative Plus Law Firm continues to carry out exclusive environmental activities in Ukraine with the patronage support of the Swiss Risk Reduction Fund.
Job responsibilities:
- Preparation of requests for informing the public about a real threat to the natural environment to state authorities as well as to private enterprises (Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, State Environmental Inspectorate, oil depots, thermal power plants). Analysis of responses to requests and dissemination of this information in the media.
- Preparation of procedural documents (claims to the court for compensation for moral and material damage to citizens of Ukraine, lawsuits against state bodies for non-compliance with environmental standards and work requirements (for example, old equipment (filters) at thermal power plants, bio- raw materials from the Chernobyl zone for the operation of a bioelectric power plant in the Kiev region) ; The Chernobyl exclusion zone has been known to everyone for its radiation since 1986, but private enterprises heated their bioelectric power plants with firewood brought from the Chernobyl zone. - Participation in litigation in the courts of the first, appeal, cassation instances (protection of violated environmental rights of citizens).
April 3, 2013 to March 31, 2014
LLC "Dorstroyalyans" (Ukraine, Lugansk)
Enterprise for the repair, reconstruction and maintenance of roads.
Position: lawyer Job responsibilities:
Represent the interests of the company in all institutions and organizations, perform all necessary actions in the interests of the company, be a representative in courts of general jurisdiction, administrative, economic, arbitration courts, in the courts of first, appeal and cassation instances. Represent the interests of the company as a plaintiff, defendant, third party, including with the right to sign and file a claim. Familiarization with the case materials in court (make extracts from them, make copies, participate in court hearings, present evidence, give oral and written explanations, change the grounds, the subject of the claim, increase and decrease the amount of claims, refuse and make claims, make statements, file petitions, recognize claims in full or in part, conclude settlement agreements, challenge decisions and resolutions, present executive documents for execution by state executors, receive property or funds awarded, request all necessary certificates and documents, sign all necessary documents, make settlements, as well as other procedural functions provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine).
- Development, drafting, legal examination of contracts for the purchase of crushed stone, sand, bitumen and other building materials;
- legal support in terms of holding public tenders for road repairs;
- Informing the company's employees about changes in the current tax and labor legislation, as well as other regulatory legal acts applicable to their activities.
- legal support during registration, liquidation and reorganization of legal entities and branches (small firms that were part of the alliance of this company):
- Preparation of documents for registration of new branches of the company, legal support when changing the status of the company;
- Representation of companies in courts and other instances of all forms of ownership.
from November 01, 2011 to April 2, 2013
State Administration for Environmental Protection in the Lugansk region (Ukraine, Lugansk)
Position: Chief lawyer of the legal sector
Job responsibilities:
- monitoring at the regional level on the implementation by all
bodies and enterprises of all forms of ownership of the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC, December 11, 1997).
The Kyoto Protocol serves to develop the provisions of the UNFCCC, obliges industrialized countries to limit and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with agreed national obligations;
- organizing and holding seminars, explaining to enterprises that emit pollutants into the environment about minimizing emissions of harmful substances and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere; - participation in environmental inspection of enterprises;
- issuance of fines for non-compliance with environmental legislation and sanitary standards to enterprises;
- official correspondence and representation in the media on behalf of the state body;
- drawing up legal opinions and progress reports to the Ministry of Environmental Protection;
- participation in the reorganization of a state body (creation of a new statute, writing new job descriptions, registration of a new state body).
May 26, 2011 - October 31, 2011
Main Department of Justice in the Lugansk region (Ukraine, the city of Lugansk)
Civil Registry Office (Palace of Marriage)
Position: Consultant of the Department of State Registration of Marriages of the Lugansk City Department of Justice
Job responsibilities:
- accepting applications from citizens wishing to marry;
- Consultations on family and civil law of citizens of Ukraine, as well as foreign citizens (assistance in collecting documents when registering a marriage);
- Registration of marriage, entering information into the state register of acts of civil status;
- work with official forms (compilation and issuance of marriage certificates), accounting and reporting to the Ministry of Justice on the consumption of such forms;
- Participation in the wedding ceremony;
- Official letters of the state body to the requests of citizens.
Professional skills and abilities:
• knowledge of civil, economic, criminal, administrative and international law.
• successful judicial experience;
• work experience as a press secretary of ministers (part- time with the main legal activity);
teaching experience at the department of civil law in combination with the main legal activity (the subject of Roman law);
• confident PC user
• driving license category B and driving experience 16 years
Language knowledge
• English - intermediate level (spoken and written)
• French - intermediate level (spoken and written)
• Russian language - higher level of proficiency (spoken
and written)
• Ukrainian language - higher level of proficiency (spoken
East Ukrainian National University V. Dahl
Institute of Jurisprudence and International Law (Ukraine, Lugansk) Faculty of Law
Specialization: civil law lawyer
Lugansk State Academy of Culture and Arts. M. Matusovsky (Ukraine, Lugansk) Faculty of Mass Communications, Film and Television
Specialization: Journalist (TV director)
East Ukrainian National University named after V. Dahl (Ukraine, Lugansk) Master of Public Administration
Specialization: administrative management of the civil service